Saturday, June 01, 2002
Swing coding is for pagans in the info revolution. Cast a spell, enchant a shrunken head, setPreferredSize when you're not sure why, and *poof!* Your layout all of a sudden works. Things you did by accident in the wrong place fix problems you hadn't even gotten to. Shaka Bill Joy.

My friend Justin is teaching my Chinese! Now, I can only communicate cursory things and only in written form. But I figure I'll have a heads up in pronounciation over other white people since my draw group sophomore year consisted of some hardcore Mandarin speakers. Ni hao ma? Wo hen hao. Wo yao xue Zhongyu. Wo hui shuo Deyu. Verschiedene Sprache sind sehr toll! Java, German, Spanish, C, Farsi...I want an army of quint-lingual cyborgs. Maybe I can be like the Pope and just learn some random passage in a ton of languages. Like the Gettysburg address. That'll confuse them. Seit sieben und achtzig Jahre, unsere "Forefothers" kam zu diesem Land... or something. I'm making this up. :P

Friday, May 31, 2002
Stupid blog. I just wrote a decently long post and it had a vberror.

Reminds me of the early 90s, where I'd lose long e-mails to pen pals or entire essays to win 3.1 crashes. (I just had a geeky thought. Superhero-ine for the new millenium: Exception Avenger! Null pointers beware! I'm such a dork. *shakes head*)
Thursday, May 30, 2002
Is this the return of the internet after the dream of ad-sustained services died? (And with it died the free dinners and t-shirts for this Silicon Valley CS major. Good thing I actually like CS.) I fell in love with the web because it allowed anyone who was motivated, mostly regardless of age or status, to create a meandering imprint of their mind for me to explore. Of course, meandering imprints take a long time to code, create, and maintain, and now that I'm not in high school anymore, a blog will have to do.

I'm really really supposed to be working on senior project right now. I really miss my mom, dad, sister, uncle, and my friends in LA and DC. *sigh* I feel fortunate to have people to miss though. Good night.

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